Perfect Morning Skin-Care Routine


Perfect Morning Skin Care Routine

Every morning many of us wake up and go through multiple steps to ensure the perfect health of our skin, some of us even do as many as 20 step procedure.

But Is it truly necessary to do so much first thing in the morning?

Well, Doctors suggest that only performing a simple 5-step procedure with the right item can actually ensure the best for our skin and the excessive treatment can actually lead to harm both physical and financial.

In the stores, there are hundreds of skincare products available but most of them are not for you and me. What suits someone might not be of much use to others. But many are oblivious of these things and end up using varieties of product just for the morning.

So, it is better to maintain a simple and professional skincare routine utilizing products that are actually helpful for us. So, the Doctors recommended procedure is -

 Morning Skin Care

1.       Simply Cleanse Your Skin-

It might sound simple but that doesn’t mean you can use a common bar soap to cleanse the skin. These products make skin dry and leave a chemical film on your skin. So, instead you should use a cleanser made specifically for your skin.

There are two types of cleansers to choose from. If you have oily skin then you should use a cleanser that can reduce the oil content to a certain amount. So, you should consider using a foaming cleanser to control your oil.

But if you are on the opposite side, that is a sensitive or dry skin, then you should look for a more hydrating or moisturizing type of cleanser, which is milkier and gentler on the skin.

Clcik Here to But the Best Cleanser for yourself


2.       Toning Your Skin-

This step is not entirely necessary but still better to do so. But you should take note that you are not using astringents, that is more alcohol-based toner. These types of classic toners devoid your skin of the oil and kills all the bacteria including the good ones.

Now, although the death of good bacteria is bad news for us as they help maintain the health of the skin. But what about the oil. If there is no oil isn’t it better for those that have oily skin. Unfortunately, the truth is that when there is no oil in the skin the body reacts to it by producing more oil. So, using classical alcohol-based toner can make one feel refreshed and good for a short while but in the long term, it makes things worse.

So, the ideal toner that you should use is the one that re-establishes the pH of your skin to allow it to become slightly acidic because some cleanser can make the pH more basic.

But there are cleansers out there that don’t change pH and that’s why it isn’t necessary to use a toner but if you want to use than avoid those that incorporate alcohol in it.

Get the Perfect toner for yourself from Here


3.       Apply sufficient Vitamin C & E-

Now, this the most important part of the morning skincare routine, applying anti-oxidant. These anti-oxidant helps you fight against free radicals and their oxidization from both inside and outside. And for best result Doctors recommend using a Vitamin- C & E complex.

Studies show that using Vitamin C in combination with E can result in a synergistic effect and the effect is much more beneficial than simply using Vitamin C.

In the market, there are a lot of Vitamin C serum available but a few combinations of Vitamin C and E. But when buying these products note that the product is in amber or brown glassed bottle that doesn’t permit the entry of light.

Light can oxidize the Vitamin C in the bottle without direct contact so, vitamin solutions sold in normal glass bottles are often of no use. So, carefully purchase such a product.

If Vitamin C and E combination serum is not available then you should at least use a Vitamin C serum, so that your skin still gets a powerful anti-oxidant.

Click Here to Buy a Serum


4.       Apply an Eye Cream-

Consider using an eye cream that contains a minor amount of retinol to help with tightening the skin and help keep it moisturized.

Purchase Your Eye Cream from Here

5.       Finally, Apply a Sunscreen-

Before going out of your house consider using it and ideally use a one that contains an SPF > 30. This the amount recommended the American Academy of Dermatology. Sunscreen having an SPF > 30 is capable of blocking 97% of the sun rays.

Some Dermatologist also suggest using sunscreen that contain Zinc Oxide and Titanium dioxide. Now, using these two is great and helps physically sun rays from entering into your skin but the problem is that they can leave a whitish hue in your skin. And you wouldn’t want that on your face.

So, instead of Zinc and Titanium look for product contain Avobenzone. Avobenzone is a chemical sunscreen that is capable of fulfilling the function of Zinc and Titanium while not leaving a whitish hue.

Also, try to avoid products that contain Oxybenzone and Octinoxate. These are known to be a potential hormone disruptor and their presence is very harmful for nature too.

Purchase the Best Sunscreen from Here


Following the above steps, you can use whatever make-up you want and it will pose no harm or complications.


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