Sex Smoothies Tips, Tricks, & Tools Every Man Needs to Know


Sex Smoothies Tips, Tricks, & Tools Every Man Needs to Know

Sex Smoothies Tips, Tricks, & Tools Every Man Needs to Know


With the way life is blooming, stress has become a part of our life. And due to our busy schedule, we get very little to no time to relieve ourselves from the stress. And for that reason, sex is quite important to us.

Sex is a great way to forget about all the headaches of the world and also build an intimate relationship with our other half. But when that sex also gets compromised, things can turn worse.

And if you are looking for something in fear of the worst scenario like Impotency, Erectile Dysfunction, and other sexual disorder happening to you or that has already come to pass. Then you don’t need to search for some miracle creating pills promising the extraordinary but in reality, they’re nothing but dust.

Scientists have been searching for something to promote sexual life, to cure impotency, and other disorders for a long time and many have discovered natural remedies that can improve and promote our sexual feelings and powers.

And, the most natural and beneficial of them all is a simple food – Smoothies.


Why Sex Smoothies for Men –


Since big industries don’t actively promote things like sex smoothies, we very rarely get to know about these things. And many of us might find such a miraculous food to be sketchy.

But I don’t blame you, as the knowledge about such smoothies is mostly from folklore, stories, and weird customs which we often avoid without looking at them twice. And because we don’t look at them, we never learned about them.

Orthomolecular medical records have shown us the power that is hidden within fruits and vegetables. Many medical records have shown that difficult diseases can be cured simply with the aid of a large dose of selected nutrients. And the same goes for sex-related problems.

Sex smoothies are made with ingredients that can help with

  • ·         Blood supply
  • ·         Promote neural network
  • ·         Stamina
  • ·         And, give more vigor.

And when a large dose of nutrients of such kind is taken daily, our body regains its power and capabilities, it regains its sexual drive.

Even problems like Erectile dysfunction, sterility, low sperm count, impotence, etc. can be cured with progressive consumption of such natural food.


Why You Should Drink Sex Smoothies –


I have said that sex smoothies can cure your Erectile Dysfunction, sterility, low sperm count, etc. but why should you believe me and drink something questionable when there are proven medical procedures to cure them? Well, the answer is already known to you.

Say, have you ever heard of a medicine that comes without a cost or a side effect? The answer to that is a big NO.

Let me give you a little example. One of the most popular medicine among people having Erectile dysfunction and also those wishing to do more in bed is Viagra. It works by improving blood supply and giving a boost in stamina.

But, have you ever considered its side effects?

  • ·         Increase your blood cholesterol level
  • ·         Create hypertension
  • ·         Heart disease
  • ·         Gain weight and many more.

And, in some cases, people even had a heart attack after taking Viagra. Plus, it also loses its power with continuous usage.1

Now, does a smoothie made out of natural ingredients with no side effects that can provide you with something you need is good or medicine that promises to give that something but in return cuts your life in half good?

And for your concern, Erectile dysfunction occurs mainly due to poor blood supply, nerve desensitization, and lack of stamina.

Meaning if you take sex smoothies regularly, your body will stay strong and fit with good blood and nerve supply. And the possibilities of such a body-facing crisis like Erectile dysfunction are unimaginable.

And sex is not all sex smoothies provide you with. Unlike those harmful medicines, sex smoothies give you a lot of vitamins, minerals, and protein and can promote hormone production, proper growth, and recovery, and most of all give you a healthy body.

8 Reasons for Men to Drink Sex Smoothies –


I have said many things in favor of sex smoothies but where is the science behind it? Are there even any nutrients among fruits and vegetables that can promote sex? Well, then let us see what science has to say about sex smoothies. Below are the benefits of Sex smoothies made from natural food proven by science –

1.     Improved Blood Circulation –

Nutrients like Arginine, Lignans, Vitamin C, E can reduce blood sugar, cholesterol level, improve circulation, and reduces oxidative stress on the body.2,3,4,5

Things like cholesterol, sugar, high blood pressure, oxidative stress can -  

·         Stiffen your vessels and cause the poor blood supply to places like your genital, creating a weak erection.

·         Damage nerves and weakening your muscular strength.

Meaning taking foods containing good nutrients like arginine, lignans, anti-oxidants can ensure that your penis will get the blood it needs and there is no harmful substance in your body to harm it.

2.     Increase Your Libido –

There are certain foods known as aphrodisiacs. These foods are considered to increase libido and at the same time provides the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

These foods are packed with nutrients like phytochemicals, Omega-3-fats, Vitamin B6, Folic acid, Citrulline, Indole-3-carbinol etc. These nutrients can (6) –

·         promote mood

·         relax the body and blood vessels

·         reduce estrogen level

·         Increase Stamina and Energy

·         And promote masculine hormone production.   

 All these benefits are vital for good sex life and a long one for sure.

3.     Keeps Sperm Healthy –

Many people are nowadays suffering from a problem called low sperm count. It creates a lot of trouble in conceiving a child. And for couples expecting one. this can be a great cause of stress and pain.

On average 5 ml, semen contains about 250 mg of protein. And, for good sperm health, the body needs a good amount of protein, Vitamin C. So, if the body lacks these nutrients, the quality of sperm gets compromised. 7

Foods like meat also provide us with a great quantity of protein but some forms of protein are only available in plant-based foods.

And for that reason, to ensure that our body doesn’t lack this vital substance a single day we should consider sex smoothies in our diet.

4.     Increase Testosterone production –

For a man, testosterone is the prime hormone of sex. This hormone works from maturing sexual organs to the production of sexual drive and sperm. And lack of this in many people is the reason for impotency, Erectile Dysfunction, lack of energy. 8

And a key mineral needed for testosterone is Zinc. Lack of this zinc can reduce testosterone production and that can cause a halt of sexual maturation, low sex drive, poor sperm concentration, lack of energy.

5.     Improve Sense of Smell and Arousal –

This might sound sketchy but a study in 2013 showed that sense of smell might be related to libido, especially in young people. Also, substances like Zinc not only produce hormones like testosterone but also assist in arousal.9

Nutrients like L-arginine, Carnitine, DHEA, and Zinc have been proven to improve sexual drive through smell and identification of sexual arousal stimulants. And for this people with ED are advised to take supplements along with medication by their physicians.

6.     Energize the Body and Improve Its Immunity –

Simply having good heart health, blood flow is not enough if the blood doesn’t contain anything. Muscles need oxygen, glucose, hormones for proper function, and for that hemoglobin is needed.

Nutrients like Iron, Magnesium, Flavin, Zinc, etc. promote blood cell production, faster transport of nutrients, they also give you the feeling of being energized. All these are needed for good sex. 10

Again, if the body is sick with infection then it doesn’t develop the mood needed for sex. As it considers sex to be wastage in such perilous times.

And so, it actively rejects the thought of sex. And for that, proper immunity is needed to protect our body from infections and disease. 11

7.     Improve Brain Function and Provide Stimulation –

The Brain is a meshwork of nerves and fibers and it controls our feeling and actions along with that produces sex hormones.

And for the proper functioning of the brain, our body needs omega fatty acids, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin K, anti-oxidants. 12 Again, micronutrients like Vitamin A, C, E, carotenoids are the building block of our sex hormones – androgen and testosterone. 13

So, for proper hormone production and brain function foods having these nutrients in plenty is needed.

Another thing is that some foods are stimulants, they can provide a boost to stamina and sexual drive. So, having one before sex can also be found beneficial. 14

8.     Promote a Good and healthy Body –

Problems with male sexual arousal and erectile dysfunction are complex diseases. And often their cause lies in both physical and mental problems. But the Erectile dysfunction is seen most commonly in people having diabetes, heart disease, obesity, sleep disorders, etc. 15

And one of the most common reasons for such disease is an unhealthy diet, that lacks proper nutrients and is made up of bad cholesterol, sugar, and carbohydrate.

Most people now a day’s intake too much sugar and fat. As a result, their bodies are riddled with asymptomatic disorders, which later take the form of Erectile dysfunction.

Sex smoothies are full of essential fats, little carbohydrate and sugar, different proteins, and a huge load of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. They can keep your body strong, fit, and active.

In short, sex smoothies can help you build good physical and mental health both of which are suspected causes of sexual problems.


Sex-smoothies provide us with a lot of nutrients that are proven to improve our health and sexual powers. And so, taking a sex-smoothies daily is bound to improve our life.

Again, we know that cooking destroys some of the nutrients in the food but smoothies undergo no cooking or processing, meaning you will get whatever you drink and that makes it even better.

Blending Vs Juicing –


Now that we have finished seeing all the benefits and other differences let’s get down to cooking. Here is a question for you should you blend all the ingredients or make a juice using them?

Find it hilarious? Well, to your knowledge blending and juicing are not the same. They have a difference in them and that difference makes each of them a unique process. For starting the meaning of blending and juice is –

Blending is to combine two or more ingredients with a blender or electric mixer.

And, Juicing is a process that extracts the juices from fresh fruits and vegetables stripping away most of the solid matter, including the seed remains and pulp.

The difference between them is mentioned in their definition. In blending you get all of the nutrients of ingredients but in juicing the pulp is thrown away as such it loses its fiber and some nutrients too.

But before you decide on blending everything, at first take a look at the pros and cons of blending and juicing and when to choose what –

Blending –


  • ·         It contains all the nutrients including the fibers.
  • ·         The fibers can reduce the rate of digestion, providing nutrients over a long time.
  • ·         Due to slow digestion, there is no possibility of a sudden spike of blood sugar even if the drink contains a good amount of it.
  • ·         Fibers are good for your gut health.

Cons –

  • ·         Too much fiber can cause problems like diarrhea.
  • ·         Fibers are indigestible and they carry with them some glucose and nutrients as waste products.
  • ·         You might find the smoothie to be too thick.

Blending the ingredients is good when you want to take the drink for a long time and wish to gain most of it while not facing a sudden rise in blood sugar.

Juicing –

Pros –

  • ·         Gives you a swift boost of power and nutrients.
  • ·         Juiced smoothies are easy to digest.
  • ·         Juicing is like making a concentrated nutrients dose for yourself.

Cons –

  • ·        The seed remains and fiber are sources of some major anti-oxidants, vitamins, and other minor-nutrients. So, juicing deprives you of them.
  • ·         Can raise your blood sugar level very quickly.

Juicing is for those that are looking for a quick boost in performance in bed.

So, depending on your needs and personal interest you might choose to blend or juice. Both are great for you, as not much of the nutrients are lost. The only thing matters are how you want to have the nutrients and when you need them.


Blender Guidelines –


As much as ingredients and the process of smoothie matter, the blender used to make it is also a matter of concern. As you will be putting in big and small many ingredients in it. The blender needs to have the capability to mix them all evenly.

You certainly wouldn’t want to have big chunks of seeds or long fibers in your drink. It won’t taste good, plus you won’t feel comfortable drinking it. And for that, you need to know about your blender.

Now, having an expensive blending isn’t the solution to everything. It’s true that good things are costly but if you keep your eyes open you might just find something that can fulfill your needs at a low cost. And for that, we have chosen a range of blenders from expensive to cheap for you to choose from –

1.       Vitamix Series 750 Blender – $ 565

At first, we present to an expensive yet the most loved and recommended blender by experts, Vitamix 750. This powerful blender doesn’t need you to have any expertise in smoothy making to get the best smooth and fluffiest smoothy because -

  • ·         It can blend everything perfectly be it solid hard or frozen cold ingredients.
  • ·         Can whip air into smoothies.
  • ·         Has a large volume of space.
  • ·         Has built-in settings for making the best drink.


2.       Vitamix E310 Explorian Blender – $ 290

If you are looking to save a little buck but still getaway with a powerful blender for your smoothies then Vitamix E310 might just be for you.

Although it’s a bit smaller than the 750 still it comes with the powerful motors of Vitamix and gets whatever job you give it done and perfectly.

3.       Breville BBL620 Fresh & Furious Blender – $ 160

Fresh & Furious is an advanced one replacing the famous Hemisphere Control Blender. And, is the best choice for those looking for a less expensive yet good blender as –

  • ·         It includes 9 task control with 2 special modes for greens and soft ingredients.
  • ·         Can pull floating ingredients down for a better smoothie.
  • ·         Moderately sized.


4.       Magic Bullet Blender – $ 36

And last of all, if you want something a bit cheaper and just enough to make a glass of smoothy for you from time to time then Magic Bullet Blender is perfect for you.

  • ·         Equipped with powerful motor.
  • ·         Small and Portable.
  • ·         Easy to clean.
  • ·         Very Cheap.

Apart from all this, there are other blenders that can fulfill your demands and they are also priced differently. They might even have functions aimed for even delicious smoothies and help with kitchen work. So, before anything make sure you search for the best blender of your desire.

And here is a little takeaway for you -  

Adding different ingredients at different times can make a lot of difference in smoothies. Make sure that ingredients that are soft and liquid-like Fresh fruits, veggies, etc. are added at the very beginning and hard ingredients like frozen fruits, seeds, etc. are added at the very end of the process.


Sex Smoothies Guidelines –


There are a lot of ingredients out there that can be used to make a love potion. But the problem is how much and what should we add to these smoothies so that we can get the best from them.

Well, for that reason we have put together some basic information about the nutrition of sex smoothies as a guideline for you to follow if you ever want to make one for yourself.

  • 1.       The smoothie should help you with improving your blood circulation and promote heart health for a better and stronger erection. And for that, you need to add ingredients rich in good fats, Potassium, Vitamin K, C, Folic acid.
  • 2.       The smoothie needs to increase your stamina for that you can add foods that are rich in fiber, anti-oxidants, easily digestible carbohydrates.
  • 3.       For a quick action smoothie, we need it to be stimulating and for that, you can add coffee to your drink.
  • 4.       Hormones are necessary for long-lasting sexual life and for that, we need to have zinc, iron, anti-oxidants, magnesium in our smoothie.
  • 5.       Apart from this some foods like pomegranate, maca are well known for their influence on sexual potency. Including these ingredients in a smoothie surely will result in a fine product for you to consume.

The above points only present before you simple basics to follow to make a good smoothie. There are other ways to make sex smoothies focused on a specific trait. And the internet houses a lot of such recipes for you to follow, we will also show you some of the best ones we know.

But before that, some things need to be kept in mind. As many foods can improve our sexual powers and desire, some food can reduce it too, a small sample of these foods would be –

  • 1.       Soya Protein – Soybeans are a great source of protein for non-vegs and for making drinks like sex smoothies. But consuming a good amount of soy protein can reduce your testosterone production and libido. 16
  • 2.       Mint – The menthol present in mint has the effect of lowering testosterone level and sex drive. And surely you wouldn’t want to have it in your sex smoothie. 17
  • 3.       Chocolate – Chocolate is great for your sex smoothie as they add flavor plus nutrition but it is better to add little of this component as some studies suggest that too much chocolate can promote sleepiness in some individuals, which certainly you wouldn’t want to face during sex.
  • 4.       Coffee – Some handful individuals might show jittery with coffee consumption for them it is better to avoid it in the drink.
  • 5.       Berries –The pesticides found in berries mimic estrogen-like function in our body which counters the action of testosterone in men and reduces sex drive. But putting some fresh organic berries can do a lot of good. 18
  • 6.       Flaxseed – A study on flaxseed showed that it can reduce blood testosterone levels by 70%. So, it’s best to avoid it and replace it with other healthy substances of your choice. 19



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