Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Complications


Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Complications

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Risk Factors, Symptoms,  and Complications


What is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus


It is the condition characterized by hyperglycemia for the first-time during pregnancy in a woman who was otherwise normal in pre pregnancy period.

It is basically the same as normal diabetes but the only difference is that it occurs during pregnancy and the hormonal changes during pregnancy is the suspected cause of it.

In normal cases of gestational diabetes, the blood sugar level returns to normal after pregnancy but in some cases, it can persist as type 2 diabetes mellitus.


Reasons for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus


The actual reasoning behind gestational diabetes is not known. But in people with excess weight it is found more frequent.

Another suspected more potential cause for GDM is the insulin-antagonistic activity of progesterone and human placental lactogen produced during pregnancy.

These hormones inhibit the actions of insulin which leads to increased blood sugar levels meaning Gestational Diabetes.


Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus


There are no visible symptoms found in the case of GDM. So, there is no way of telling whether a person is suffering from it or not without any blood sugar screening.

But some suggest that increased urination, thirst, and hunger can indicate GDM but such symptoms are also seen in normal pregnancy. So, the best way to identify gestational diabetes is to maintain regular health checkups.


Risk Factors


Having the following things before pregnancy increases the likelihood of developing GDM –

a.       Over-weight.

b.      Leading a sedentary life.

c.       Previous history of Macro baby.

d.      Having Pre-diabetes (A state where blood sugar is not high enough for Diabetes but above average value).

e.       Family History of Diabetes.

f.        Previous history of GDM.

g.      High blood pressure or other such medical conditions.

h.      Age more than 25 years.

i.        Certain ethnicity shows more susceptible to GDM but the reason is not known. Mainly seen in Native American, African-American, Asian, and Hispanic. But this is not an established belief and often found wrong.


Complications of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus


Complications for Child -

a.       Macrosomia (Large Baby) – The birth weight of the baby is more than the standard value.

b.      Congenital anomaly of Newborn

c.       Increased Risk of birth trauma in newborns.

d.      Stillbirth or Neonatal mortality.

e.       May face Infantile Respiratory Distress Syndrome after birth. Meaning difficulty in breathing after birth.

f.        Child may go into seizure due to reduced blood sugar.

Complications for Mother –

a.       Develop future type 2 Diabetes.

b.      Develop High blood pressure.

c.       Increases the likelihood of C-section for the mother’s safety.

d.      May develop Preeclampsia, which is a serious complication for both mother and child and can endanger their lives.




There is no established clinical practice that can guarantee to prevent Gestational Diabetes. But some lifestyle maintenance can reduce the possibilities of GDM and can help reduce the complications developed by it. These are very common practices and everyone can follow without much hassle. They are –

a.       Eat healthy balanced meal.

b.      Workout daily for some time to stay active and fit.

c.       Maintain weight before pregnancy. It is best to maintain weight at all time as increased weight does no good.

d.      During pregnancy women gain weight naturally but it should be maintained within the established range. In case of difficulties consult medical professionals.

Blood sugar of a woman should be regularly checked by her physician during her ante-natal care. If for some reason it is missed then the patient should mention it and get it done by their own accord as gestational diabetes is a very important factor for the good health of the mother and baby.



Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus


1.      Glucose screening test by 1-hour 50gm OGTT

a.       Irrespective of food intake, 50gm of glucose is given orally, and at the end of 1-hour blood glucose is measured.

b.      Blood glucose more than 7.8mmol/L (140 mg%) is suspected of gestational diabetes.

2.      Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus by 75gm OGTT (WHO Criteria)

c.       Patient is advised for overnight fasting and to come on the next morning.

d.      Fasting Blood glucose is measured and then 75gm of glucose is given orally with 300 ml of water. At the end of 2 hours of glucose load, blood glucose is measured.

e.       Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is diagnosed if any of the following findings are found positive.

o   Fasting Blood Glucose greater or equal to 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg%).

o   Blood Glucose after 2 hours greater or equal to 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg%).


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