10 Ways to Treat Acne Naturally At Home

Acne can be a very persistent and irritating problem and if it causes scarring than the damage it deals can a huge. But the professional treatments available for acne can be expensive for some and are riddled with uncertain side-effects and so to treat acne naturally it is the best solution for many of us.

Acne treatment

Acne is a common chronic skin disease that can deal serious psychological distress. But the problem can be dealt with early on and at a low cost if some homemade acne treatments are followed.

So, here are 10 ways to Treat Acne Naturally that you can follow using ingredients available at home to fight back acne-

1.     Apply Black seed oil-

Black seed oil is one of the most effective natural oil available to treat skin problems including acne from home.

Black seed oil can clear out pores, one of the leading causes of acne, and also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation effects which are great for treating acne. Apart from this, it can also prevent skin irritation.

Black seed oil is one of the best homemade remedies to treat acne naturally and history states that even Cleopatra might have used it for skin treatment. (Source)

2.      Coconut Oil-

One of the most common things available all most to everyone is coconut oil. This natural product is rich in essential fatty acids, Vitamin E, and Lauric acid.

The fatty acids protect the skin from harmful microbes especially from those that cause skin infections, acne and other fungal attacks. And the Lauric acid is the best at preventing the growth of bacteria. (1,2)

Along with anti-bacterial effects, it can also reduce inflammation and ease pain. (Source)

Coconut oil is one of the best homemade medicine one can use to treat acne naturally. It’s cheap, safe and a great product of nature.

3.     Apple Cider Vinegar-

Apple Cider vinegar is rich in Vitamins, Minerals, Lactic acid, Acetic acid, Citric, acid and Malic acid. Moreover, it is one of the most common household items. And naturally, it can be used to treat acne naturally and harmlessly.

The acids contained in it are great anti-microbial substances and it can also clear out pores and remove excess oil from the face. Having lactic it can also help in improving the acne scar. And all the vitamins and minerals are a great add-on for the skin. (Source)

Usage- To treat acne naturally the amount of apple cider vinegar used should be very little as much as 1 part in 3 parts of water (Should be more diluted in case of sensitive skin). Over-dosage can cause skin irritation and burns.

4.     Using Mask of Honey and Cinnamon-

Studies prove that anti-oxidant is great for skin and their effect can even suppress some of the over the counter medicine. And both Honey and Cinnamon are a great source of anti-oxidant.

Apart from their anti-oxidant, they are also rich in Vitamin B3, Linoleic acid, and Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate (Vitamin c Derivative). They also possess anti-bacterial properties.

Such a mask can fend off inflammation and bacteria and also the anti-oxidants present prevents skin damage from UV exposure. Due to having such characters using a mask made from honey and cinnamon is a great way to treat acne naturally. (1,2)

5.      Argan Oil-

Argan oil contains fatty acids like Oleic acid, Linoleic acid, and Palmitic acid. It also contains substances like Tocopherol, Coenzyme Q10, and Melatonin which are antioxidants and can be used to treat acne naturally.

           Fatty acids are always a great remedy for skin problems as they increase the elasticity and keep the skin hydrated. (1,2)

        And other antioxidant components found in it are good for combating inflammation and oxidative stress and thus eventually help in reducing acne problems. (Source)

6.      Tea Tree Essential Oil- 

       Oil extracted from the leaves of tea tree are well-known for their anti-bacterial effect and in reducing inflammation. It can especially fight off bacteria like Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis which are responsible for causing pimples and can be used to treat acne naturally.

      Studies prove that 5% Tea tree oil is more effective in reducing acne and pimple than Benzoyl peroxide, a common OTC medicine for acne treatment. (1,2)

       It should be kept in mind that tea tree oil is very potent and should always be used as a diluted solution and high concentration can cause redness, irritation, and burns.

        Apart from this other essential oils of Lavender, Cinnamon, and Clove have anti-bacterial properties and can be used to treat acne naturally. (Source)

7.      Aloe Vera-

Aloe Vera gel when applied to skin directly can help fight bacteria and significantly reduce inflammation. It is known that Aloe Vera contains Phenols, nitrogen products, salicylic acid lupeol, etc. and each one of them is great for the body and the skin.

Studies report that a lotion containing high content of Aloe Vera is a good natural anti-acne solution. One study dimmed that Clove-basil oil and Aloe Vera together as a lotion possess anti-acne property.

According to another study Aloe Vera gel with Tretinoin cream, a well know acne medicine, is more effective at preventing acne than Tretinoin itself. (Source)

So, Aloe Vera can play an effective role to treat acne naturally but a better solution is obtained when mixed with other remedies or medications.

8.      Green Tea-

         Green tea is well known for its anti-oxidant actions and many other health benefits. But apart from drinking it even if it is used topically, it shows beneficial effects.

      Green tea can reduce inflammation and bacterial density due to having flavonoids and tannins. Along with it Epigallocatechin-3-gallate can reduce sebum production and kill P. acnes. (Source)

 Skin products having green tea derivatives are available in the stores using green tea available at home we can treat acne naturally and cost-effectively.

9.      Diet-

Recent studies indicate that an increase in insulin secretion might increase the secretion of sebum and which in turn increases the possibility of having acne.

   Foods having a high Glycemic Index can increase the insulin secretion dramatically. And thus foods like Soft drinks, Pastries, Candy, and other processed food is thought to cause acne. (Source)

  But another study states that there is no effect of diet on acne (Source). So, it can be said that a diet of low-glycemic index may or may not treat acne naturally but it can reduce insulin resistance and ensure good health.

10.  Reduce Stress-

Stress increases the release of hormones like Glucocorticoid mainly Cortisol. This hormones increases the metabolism of the body and lead to increased sweat and sebum production.

While improving blood supply to organs peripheral blood for increasing the metabolism glucocorticoids prevent the production of vasodilators and reduce peripheral blood supply causing dryness of skin and poor perspiration. (Source)

Also, some researches have shown that stress can lead to an increase in acne. (Source)

The actual relation between the two and possible treatment, in this case, is still not clear and further research is needed.

But stress itself is bad for health and we should do everything in our power to avoid getting stressed. It is easier said than done. But still few things like yoga, exercise, reading a good book can provide relief from stress.

It is always good to follow the way of the nature. And implanting such ways mentioned in this article 10 Ways to Treat Acne Naturally can not only prevent acne, it can also improve skin quality and health.

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