How to Train to be Bane

Bane training

We all know Bane the big muscular guy from Batman. A person capable of defeating Batman due to his explosive strength and rock-solid will. His indomitable will power coupled with superhuman strength allowed him to do quite a thing in the movie. But is it possible in real life to achieve such a feat?
The answer to the question is a yes and a no. In reality, it is possible to train up to the level of Bane but following such a routine will not make someone as big as him though it will make one mighty strong.
The training Bane took was not focused on using advanced gym equipment rather they were simple body exercises like 1000 push-up, 1000 sit-ups and 1000 pull-ups along with intense mental training. But truth be told if someone were to do such a training it is highly possible that they will injure themselves before even reaching a portion of Bane’s level.
But if the workouts are done correctly then it is possible to achieve some great results. So, let’s take a look at how to train like Bane while not killing our gains-
Consolidating one’s Mind and Soul-
                In the beginning the training Bane did was mental training. He spent hours sitting and mediating defeating his inner demons while holding on patiently in confined solidarity and difficult prison environment.
He used to meditate inside the dark lonely confined room in prison to face his inner demon and strengthen his mind. This allowed him to have a perfect clarity of what he had to do and what to achieve. And his patience in a harsh environment like when his cell flooded due to water strengthened his mind beyond measure and allowed him to face any difficulties and not lose his mind over it.
                Now, the training of the mind is very important. Be it working in the gym or in-home, one needs to have a level of patience and will to hold onto those last reps. And doing so allows one to gain more from less but it also increases the difficulties of workout and chances of having a bad form. That’s why a sharp and clear mindset is needed.
                Most of us hit the gym while listening to music, we do this so that we can shack off our mind from all the screaming our muscles make while training. Doing so helps but not as much as one who trains while listening to the screaming of the muscles instead of music. This little thing makes a whole lot of difference by affecting the mind directly.
                Having a strong mind allows one to feel the pain but not break down from it. As a result, they can do the last set of reps before failure with good precision and great form. This also improves the neural connection between the muscle and the brain. Which in turn improves the blood flow and recovery.
Body Training-
                In the comic, the only physical exercise Bane did was 1000 Push-ups 1000 Pull-ups and 1000 Sit-ups. Pretty simple yet crazy. First of all, the number of reps is insane, and doing so many simple repetitions increases the chance of injuring the joints. But doing so over a long period of time and slowly up to failure can greatly increase ones strength and power.
                And the fact that such high repetition work-out is possible is proofed by some living human beings. For example Charles Salvador. He proclaimed that he could do 1727 press-ups in an hour and performed 2000 push-ups each day. He also boasts that he could even lift an entire snooker table. In his book Solitary Fitness, which he wrote with the alias of Charlie Bronson, he explained nicely how one could great strong, healthy, and fit without a gym.
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If one works out routinely and sequentially while ending each rep with failure than the changes that take place other than regular work-out is that all the fibers of the muscle get engaged and the motor nerves keep on firing high volume of impulses to the brain. This makes the brain send in more to the muscle. And by more, I mean more blood, more nutrient, and more oxygen. This allows for faster recovery and more growth.
Any reps done when the muscles are tired need more effort that means doing a small actually sums up to a lot. And doing such exercise daily makes the nerves accustomed to such intense pressure, and so they start to get stronger and more resilient. Resulting in hypertrophy of the muscle and burn of more fat.
Another very popular person Mike Tyson used to do high reps of squat while serving his time in prison as a result, the day he left the prison his legs were huge and allowed him to kick with force much greater than the opponent could cope with.
A person without a definite aim or objective is like a ship without a rudder. They can work hard for only a limited time, in the long run, they lose their will to continue and results in nothing.
                Bane from the beginning had a definite goal and that was to prove himself that he is a capable person. And later he aims to destroy Gotham City to rid of its corruption. This definite goal forced him to put in the effort to rise above all others.
                Now, we don’t want anyone to have such an insane aim. But having a desire to stand-out among everyone or to display one’s might or simply wishing to have a great strength and control of the mind to excel in sports and unfavorable situations are great objectives to say. But we all have different desires and it is best to have any than none.
                Having a goal motivates one to give in the extra effort. And this extra effort is what makes a whole lot of change. Such a person will rise up the rank with domineering presence and that’s why we all should try to find a strong desire in us before starting a training regime.

Following the training regime of Bane can make one strong but the true strength of Bane was attained by using drugs. And that is something which is not recommended by the health professionals. So, We shall only try to achieve great strength and power through hard work, not some external stimulant.

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